Hunger Games Movie Review

Hunger Games Rating:  3.2/5

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Hunger Games Movie Review

Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Rajeev Masand Site: IBNLive (CNN IBN)

24 teenagers are packed off to the woods and encouraged to go on a killing spree against each other, while the rest of the world watches the action like a sporting event on giant television screens… Based on the bestselling young-adult novel by Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games is a thrilling and somewhat disturbing film about a survival-of-the-fittest reality show – and despite its highly improbable premise, it makes for enjoyable viewing.I’m going with three out of five for The Hunger Games. It’s far more engaging than the Twilight films to which it’s been compared. Now bring on the sequels.
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Ratings: 3.5/5  Reviewer:Allen O Brien Site:Times Of India
The Hunger Games, the movie, is based on the bestselling young adult novel by Suzanne Collins. Naturally then, like the book, the film raises some thought provoking questions often read between the lines all throughout its screenplay.Are reality games tweaked to pump up TRP ratings? How much is too much when it comes to seeking all that audience support (votes) in a reality show? Will survival of the fittest be the only driving force in the world that lies ahead? Whatever it is, Greek mythology gets all contemporary (and topical) in here. For the rest, there are swords, bows and arrows, knives, deadly bees, dense forests, computerized beasts multiplied by the click of a mouse, tree climbing, balls of fire, fire fashion statements, do or die instincts, a (not-so-happening) romantic plot....
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Ratings:3/5 Reviewer:Omar Qureshi Site:Zoom Review Show
Ratings: 3.5/5  Reviewer:Shaikh Ayaz Site:Rediff
Grounded very much in the gladiatorial tradition, The Hunger Games makes a barbaric reality show out of its vulnerable contestants among whom only one gets to walk out free – and alive. It plays out, not for the amusement of its game-makers, but for what the prologue suggests to be for reasons of honour, courage and sacrifice. Director Gary Ross introduces dramatic twists and turns that involve you from time to time.
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Ratings: 3/5  Reviewer:Shalini Langer Site:Indian Express
RIDING on the stupendous success of Suzanne Collins's trilogy, The Hunger Games has a launchpad ready from where to take off running. What it does is slow down, crawl and in a story so ripe for visual reproduction, inexplicably, grind to a tiresome halt.
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